A little about me

Deborah Thorp Jewett

Therapy for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Helping people help themselves with compassionate and experienced therapy.


 I have always been interested in exploring the mind and body connection. I took my first class in inner journeys and meditation about fifty years ago. 

My journey as a therapist began many years ago. I was trying to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up, didn’t know. After my husband injured his back, we went to a massage therapist. I was  intrigued by the combination of science, connection, spirituality, teaching, sharing, and being in charge of my own business. I started massage school in 1989 and  am licensed by the State of Ohio Medical Board. I continue to learn about the mind, body, emotions, and spiritual connection for healing. 

For many years, I  used neuromuscular and deep tissue therapy my sessions. I loved being a detective to figure out the root cause of the discomfort or pain. I was fascinated by why some people heal and others do not. I wanted to learn more.

I added a light touch approach of Craniosacral therapy to save my hands and prolong my career. I soon learned the light touch had a deeply profound affect on healing. I also became fascinated with energy work; how it flowed, was blocked, and how it affected the healing process. More tools  in my tool bag.

About fifteen years ago, I was going through a stressful time in my life. My parents needed more care and I stepped up to help. I had a lot on my plate; job, home, caregiver, and me time. I was stressed, tired, and burnt out. I found relief and self healing with the Healing From the Core curriculum. I learned to center, ground, focus, and journey within to find out what my body and soul needed to be nourished and nurtured. I have continued with this program and became a Certified Master Practitioner in Healing From the Core and Distant Healing from the Core.

I continue to evolve and learn about myself and the healing process. About seven years ago due to personal experiences, I was drawn to Shamanism and more deeply involved with the spirit realms. I use these sacred practices for myself and my clients when called upon.

As an elder woman, I now feel the calling to share what I have learned through workshops and private sessions. I believe each moment is a gift to cherish and explore. Gratitude is a daily intention for me.


Healing Starts From Within


“The body has its own primal language that is older and more primal than most of us realize and many of us are conditioned at a very young age to turn off this inner guidance system of sensation, imagery, and inner knowing.” Suzanne Scurlock


“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” 

Oliver Wendell Holmes

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Ghandi

Soar to the heights of wellness and joy!